From Institute for Innovation in Prosecution:
"Prosecutors are uniquely positioned to demonstrate that criminal justice reform is compatible with, and in fact essential to, public safety," write Jeremy Travis, Carter Stewart, and Allison Goldberg in Prosecutors, Democracy, and Justice: Holding Prosecutors Accountable, the latest paper from the IIP’s Executive Session. The paper asks two questions at the center of the current criminal justice reform movement: how should prosecutors be evaluated on their campaign promises to be agents of change? And how should the public hold prosecutors accountable for meeting the reform imperative? To address these questions, the authors analyze how prosecutors can use their dynamic leadership position and significant discretion to unwind the machinery of punitive excess, promote equity, and affirm the human dignity of all impacted by the justice system, while enhancing public safety. The paper offers guidance for prosecutors to orient their strategies and a framework for communities to hold them to account.
Read the paper here.