Urban Institute Accepting RFPs from State Departments of Corrections to Join the Prison Research and Innovation Network
Date:  09-06-2019

Six states to be chosen for phase one, with four states advancing to phase two
From Urban Institute:

The Urban Institute, with support from Arnold Ventures, is pleased to announce a Request for Proposals from State Departments of Corrections to join the Prison Research and Innovation Network. The Network is a core component of the Prison Research and Innovation Initiative, a comprehensive effort to build evidence and spur innovation to make prisons more humane, safe, and rehabilitative. The Network will be a community of practice for states interested in leveraging research, data, and evidence to inspire improvements in prison environments.

Goals of the Network include the following:

  • develop a better understanding of prison environments and their relationship to the safety and well-being of those who live and work there

  • enhance state prisons’ capacities for collecting data on prison environments, with the goal of promoting transparency and accountability

  • design, implement, and evaluate data-driven, evidence-based operational and programmatic innovations to improve basic conditions, including those that support rehabilitation and self-betterment for incarcerated people

    Learn more here.