How Saint Louis University is Using Education to Change Lives – and Outcomes – in the Criminal Justice System
Date:  01-30-2023

Prison Education Program reports that those who graduated from the program have a zero recidivism rate
From Saint Louis Prison Education Program

Since 2008, Saint Louis University has run a program that offers higher education – with emphasis on the liberal arts and humanities – to incarcerated individuals and prison employees. Not only does the program reach people who may not have had access to higher education because of economic or geographic conditions – it’s also a catalyst for personal and professional success.

The Saint Louis University Prison Education Program is doing more than providing high-quality education, though. It’s changing lives.

“Students gain access to an education otherwise unavailable to them,” program director Julie O’Heir says. “Incarcerated students connect to their families over shared experiences of education. Students have reported bonding with their children through school assignments, and families have reported a change in their incarcerated loved one’s outlook and engagement.” Continue reading >>>