How Bureau of Prison Incompetence Murdered Whitey Bulger
Date:  07-16-2023

The Bureau of Prison’s treatment of the former Mob boss, who was 89 at the time of his death, was at least incompetent and perhaps criminal.
From LA Progressive:

I’ve written a great deal about the broken, incompetent mess that is the federal Bureau of Prisons), the largest and best-funded bureau in the U.S. Department of Justice. In just the last year, BOP officials have been prosecuted for the widespread rape of prisoners; for smuggling drugs, guns and other contraband into prisons; for stealing federal property; and for any number of other offenses. It happens so frequently that it generally doesn’t even make the news.

Another thing that didn’t make the news was a report published by the BOP during the week between Christmas and New Year last year about the murder in BOP custody of Boston mob boss James “Whitey” Bulger, which is just now coming to light.

The BOP inspector general said in the report that the bureau exhibited “bureaucratic incompetence,” as well as “flawed, confusing and insufficient” policies and procedures. And it asked the rhetorical question: How did a notorious, but elderly criminal end up transferred by the BOP to a new prison where he was murdered within 12 hours of arrival? Continue reading >>>