From The War Horse:
Late in the afternoon of Sept. 11, 2001, Brockton Hunter, a defense attorney in Minnesota, was having drinks with a friend from law school. Hunter had served in the Army before becoming a lawyer; his friend had been in the CIA. The conversation turned from that day’s devastating attacks to what they felt would inevitably follow.
“Both of us understood that we were going to be going to war like we hadn’t since Vietnam,” Hunter said.
In the two years since he’d hung out his shingle as a public defender, Hunter had watched veteran after veteran cycle through his law practice. Most were Vietnam veterans, he said recently, and more than 20 years after the war ended, many of them were “still very much in Vietnam.”
“I just said, ‘I wonder how long it’s going to be before we start seeing young folks that are about to be deployed coming back with post-traumatic stress and falling into the criminal courts.’” Continue reading >>>