At One Prison Incarcerated Women Can Earn a Cosmetology License, Opening the Door for a Successful Reentry
Date:  11-26-2024

A cosmetology license can cost anywhere between $16,000 and $24,000 outside of prison
From Corrections1:

LAS VEGAS — Studying cosmetology isn’t something Brenda Garcia said she ever saw herself doing. In fact, until she started taking classes, she said she couldn’t do her own hair.

But today, Garcia, 26, is about halfway through a yearlong program that will end in a license, allowing her to help lift up other women the way the program has lifted her.

Garcia and her classmates are learning the same skills as any other cosmetology student in Nevada, except they are learning those skills while behind bars.

For seven hours a day, five days a week, a group of around a dozen inmates at Florence McClure Women’s Correctional Center meets in a mirrored room to learn the skills needed to perform salon services, manage their finances and interact with clients. The New Path program is supported by the Expertise Cosmetology Institute with the help of government funding. Continue reading >>>